Phew! Finally had a moment to update some of the pictures, Some are long-time friends, but I didn't have the heart to remove them from the page. Check 'em out.
They all tie for the cutest!
Zoey loooves to play!
Cuddles with Elaine😻
Carmelo is always ready to play!
Walking with Rusty! Such a good boy.
Rey of sunshine 🐰
Non-stop wand toy action with Liam!
Noel is gonna get that feather!
Walter striking a pose.
Baby Tabitha. Such concentration!
Nothing can interrupt Georgie when licking up her Churu! Yummmmmm!
Barney taking in the sun on the deck
Barney’s brother Tito thinks sunning on the deck is a great idea!
Uh-oh! Looks like Sadie was up to some kitty mischief!
Azazel loves cuddling
Azazel’s brother Oliver loves his cuddles too!
Getting ready for a walk with handsome Dash!
Oliver’s favorite… neck rubs!
Darling brother and sister, Mookie and Doja.
Chelle keeping warm under the blanket!
Hiiiiii Finnegan
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